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Monday, November 22, 2010

MTV = Equality. Damn straight. *rolls eyes so hard they fall out of my head*

So today in Creative Writing class we had "debate day"... yes writing class. Point we debated random stuff fo sho!
It was awesome!
Until... someone posed this random unrelated question:
[Why is it that in some religions women are expected to do things whereas men are not]
Exact words I can not tell you. (Sadly my memory is a flop.)
I know this question wasn't thrown out there to hurt/attack/specify at anyone because the asker of said question is one cool cat, but it stuck a cord in my um brain.

Why do people see this:

And think... equality? Really?

But of course this:

Is obviously a women being suppressed?

This doesn't connect for me. I'm sorry, no no wait I'm not sorry.
I see such beauty in a woman who has enough self respect to not show her body like some sort of object to the world. I see such beauty in a woman who has the courage to stand against the grain of society. I see such beauty in a woman who holds values that extend beyond herself.That woman, that woman is beautiful because she is able to see herself for what she is = priceless.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anyone who doesn't cover themselves completely has no value of themselves but one must recognize that these women who do, they CHOOSE to, because they feel the need to express their beliefs, to let the world know their morals.

This isn't suppression, it's true beauty.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. YOU lady are a loafable genius! <3

  3. YOU lady are a loafable genius! <3

    (oops sorry, for the multiple comments...don't know what's happening!) D:

  4. Parveen you are such an inspiration, thank you! that was a beautiful post.

  5. Hats off to you love!
    This is wonderful :)

  6. THAT WAS AMAZINGGG. true that, sista.

  7. I'm glad y'all agreed (Y) :)
    Now if only I could spend more of time actually doing something about the matter rather than writing on an insignificant blog. Oh well.

  8. I know this is late but what a wonderful post! Keep spreading awareness sister <3
