I entertain myself, if you choose to be entertained - by all means - I'm too lame for twitter so feel free to spam my inbox, p.kaur.84@hotmail.com ( I've just opened myself up to a world of internet creeps )

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

black cap

Why didn't you just eat a bowl of sugar?
Because this is colourful pretty colours.

Okay this may be a horride picture and do no justice what so ever to this amazing shirt. But I love it. Thank you secret unnamed friend for making such a shirt that it made it onto my blog
... and into my heart
No but really, if you don't understand this shirt...
go into a closet
and stay there.

oh and
my titles will start making sense starting next post. I know, I know, I hate change but I think this one is needed.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

half a loop

So I'm 17. That sounds gross so I'll stick to I'm 16 plus one day.
Contrary to my previous beliefs, I don't feel any more mature or any more knowledgeable.
Growing up is a let down.

So cake story: My mother went after work to grab this cake in order to surprise me... she sorta failed when she explained her adventure to me two seconds after entering the house.
Story Lady: What colour letters do you want on the cake?
My mom: Jello!
Story Lady: No no, I mean like what COLOUR? Blue? Green? Red?
My mom: Jellow!
Story Lady: I can not put jell-O on your cake.
My mom: You know the colour, the colour of lemons, JELLOW?!
...yea, you understand

This year I also learned that though my facebook honesty box tells me different, I have friends. Not even normal friends - awesome friends. That have weird senses of humor. Oh gwd I love them.
This is a key chain and if you don't understand it how dare you be reading this at all.

I turned 17... get it? It's funny. No?
I thought it was.
So the above just WINS okay WINS. Thank you to my (only) most awesome-est reader for giving me this awesome object. If you don't understand what this is there's no hope for you. This awesome reader went to the store and bought one lemon... and then tied a very bad bow around it but I love it.
(It's a lemon.)
Okay so I missed the awesome "majestic" sissors I also got but I don't have the energy to upload that picture now too.
Point being: Y'all (if you were not weirded out by this post then you who you are) are friggin' cool. So cool I can not contain myself. GAH!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I spent like 10 minutes trying to find my first Facebook status ever.

Parveen Kaur at home

September 17, 2007 at 3:30pm
Complete let down much?
I've obviously gotten a lot cooler.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

black box

Lately every time my mother and I go out, as in outside, she makes a point of commenting on how pretty the flowers look since there are just so many blooming it's hard to miss them and my mother enjoys pointing out the obvious. But as I entertained her thoughts about how pretty the flowers are we got into quite the discussion...

If we took the time to admire just a single flower, we'd never get bored. Now I mean truly took the time to examine it. I mean we could spend lifetimes just studying the various shades within one flower or even the beautifully crafted petals of one, just one flower.

We, humans I mean, spend countless years setting out our houses, buying new ones and selling old ones; always trying to make everything we own look pretty - but we're never really satisfied. There will always be that new shade of yellow that would look gorgeous against our sofas in the family room and Martha Stewart will always keep trying to teach up how to make sinks out of flower pots to match our kitchens (or something like that).

But God... Hm God painted every shade in that little flower, sculpted every petal of that little flower and chose exactly where that little flower ought to be. Now tell me when you look at this little flower, this perfect little creation, you don't see God. Don't tell me that through some sort of pant evolution it just happened to turn out that way. I mean don't get me wrong I don't deny plants evolve from other plants and we can manipulate them to be a certain way. But... I have to believe that there's rhyme and rhythm to how the pinks merge into blues into violets. I have to believe that there's a point to the way things are laid out.

Now for a second picture this little flower and then imagine thousands upon millions upon trillions more all over the world (and any other worlds for all I know). And think of how perfect each one is.
Now how great must God be to have created all this?
I can't answer.

I'm still stuck on trying to admire this one little flower.

Monday, July 5, 2010

green steel

oh Oh OH! cool flower in my garden.

Sitting here drinking my Pure Life "Lemon Splash" water thinking "I wanna blog"
But I don't really have anything to pollute your minds with today. I mean it is quite egotistical for me to think that you give " a rats ...." (in the words of my old Philosophy teacher) about what I think or what I'm doing or what random objects that I care enough about to write about.
So here's some more random objects that I care enough about to write about:

Okay so this is a boot with Tweety bird on it.
My father decided to save these boots from having to go to the dumpster by using them to plant stuff in.
Yes they were my boots. I think I'm cool.
This is all I had to blog about today.
*Sad face*
But damn these boots are so cool (now).