I entertain myself, if you choose to be entertained - by all means - I'm too lame for twitter so feel free to spam my inbox, p.kaur.84@hotmail.com ( I've just opened myself up to a world of internet creeps )

Monday, July 5, 2010

green steel

oh Oh OH! cool flower in my garden.

Sitting here drinking my Pure Life "Lemon Splash" water thinking "I wanna blog"
But I don't really have anything to pollute your minds with today. I mean it is quite egotistical for me to think that you give " a rats ...." (in the words of my old Philosophy teacher) about what I think or what I'm doing or what random objects that I care enough about to write about.
So here's some more random objects that I care enough about to write about:

Okay so this is a boot with Tweety bird on it.
My father decided to save these boots from having to go to the dumpster by using them to plant stuff in.
Yes they were my boots. I think I'm cool.
This is all I had to blog about today.
*Sad face*
But damn these boots are so cool (now).


  1. the flower in your today picture looks the same as the flower on your pen :O

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hahahahahahah!
    Your dad is a JEAN-ius!

    (see what I did there? A boot? Jeans? both clothing items!)
    hahahaha. um.

  4. Anonymous: Um no it does not look like the flower on my pen seeing as the pen one was fake and this one was real. but... no nothing positive to say <3

    Urooba: You're quite the JEAN-ius yourself xD
