I entertain myself, if you choose to be entertained - by all means - I'm too lame for twitter so feel free to spam my inbox, p.kaur.84@hotmail.com ( I've just opened myself up to a world of internet creeps )

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

black cap

Why didn't you just eat a bowl of sugar?
Because this is colourful pretty colours.

Okay this may be a horride picture and do no justice what so ever to this amazing shirt. But I love it. Thank you secret unnamed friend for making such a shirt that it made it onto my blog
... and into my heart
No but really, if you don't understand this shirt...
go into a closet
and stay there.

oh and
my titles will start making sense starting next post. I know, I know, I hate change but I think this one is needed.


  1. That is a sweet shirt, I defs want one!

  2. It is an amazing shirt O.o I must get on making her, person who made said shirt, to open a store of awesome shirts...
