I entertain myself, if you choose to be entertained - by all means - I'm too lame for twitter so feel free to spam my inbox, p.kaur.84@hotmail.com ( I've just opened myself up to a world of internet creeps )

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I spent like 10 minutes trying to find my first Facebook status ever.

Parveen Kaur at home

September 17, 2007 at 3:30pm
Complete let down much?
I've obviously gotten a lot cooler.


  1. Because of you I spent two hours on facebook, but it was nice :P.

    I found this, and I must say, I surpass you in lameness. Check it:
    Navkiran Kaur: is hating final exam :( June 10

    To top it off, I wrote my first status update three months after getting facebook (even though I actively used it)...

    I'd like to think I'm cooler now too, buuuut I'm not as confident as you are :P.

  2. Lemon Lady...

    Your first post is amazing :D

    I wish my first post was that amazing

    Your blog is also amazingly epic

    - the fed ex dude

  3. My first Facebook status

    Anonymous : "Talk to me people"

  4. Navkiran- You've officially been dubbed cool by the makers of lemon loaf. You may now walk around with pride knowing this.

    Anonymous #1- Do you work at Fed-X? Because if not then you really can't call yourself that, but either way... is it possible to send ice cream using Fed-X? I'd appreciate if you got back to me.

    Anonymous #2 -Thanks for sharing. In two comments... you're um ya.
